The Y Service 1939-1945
Commemorative badge
In 2009, veterans of the Y service were invited to apply for commemorative badges.
Applicants must fulfil one or more of these criteria
Employed by the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park or its outstations during World War Two.
Served in the Armed Forces at Bletchley Park or its outstations.
Served in the 'Y' Services of the Armed Forces collecting material which was sent to Bletchley Park
Note: 'Y' was the generic title given to the interception by the military of enemy communications.
Served in Special Liaison Units (SLUs) or Special Communications Units (SCUs).
Note: SLUs and SCUs were responsible for the dissemination of ULTRA intelligence material to deployed British and Allied Headquarters.
Served in the Radio Security Service (RSS).
Note: the RSS comprised both GPO operators and radio amateurs who intercepted the communications of enemy intelligence services.
Worked for the GPO in the COLOSSUS team at Dollis Hill.
Note: A special team in the GPO research establishment at Dollis Hill was responsible for the development of specialist equipment to support the work of GC&CS, including the development of COLOSSUS, the world's first computer.
Badges were not awarded posthumously, except where the death took place after 1st July 2009, in which case the badge could be applied for by the next of kin.
See badge design below.
I've also seen a picture online of the badge below but can find no information about it.
If you know about it, please email us at